Regaining physical strength and returning to an active, comfortable lifestyle after an illness, injury, or surgery should be a positive and invigorating experience. When a patient works with our physical, occupational, and speech therapists, we begin by developing a treatment plan.

Services Include:

Physical Therapy: Gross motor development, balance and coordination, gait training, strength, endurance and exercise training, lower extremity and trunk range of motion activities, functional independence (including bed mobility, transfers, and wheelchair mobility), weight management, burn care and follow-up treatment, evaluation for equipment to increase independence and enhance performance, family and patient instruction and education, and coordination of care, including discharge needs.

Occupational Therapy: Fine motor skills and coordination development, activities of daily living (such as feeding, swallowing, dressing, bathing/hygiene, and use of equipment to increase independence and enhance performance), upper extremity and trunk range of motion activities, visual perceptual/visual motor skills, sensory integration, burn care (including scar management and pressure garments), and family and patient instruction and education.

Speech Therapy: Expressive and receptive language disorders, articulation disorders (including PROMPT technique), fluency and voice disorders, swallowing and feeding disorders, cognitive and rehabilitation skills, aural rehabilitation including cochlear implant rehabilitation therapy and sign language, therapy for patients with craniofacial anomalies, cleft lip/cleft palate and velopharyngeal insufficiency, and patient and family education and instruction.